PerpeTraitor profiles – the low down

Targeted Individuals (TIs) have been, and continue to be, the victims of unspeakable atrocities, and some have lost their lives.   The technologies involved have been available for a long time now.  For example, as early as 1969 Dr Jose Delgado, a Yale psychologist, was showing how electrical stimulation of different parts of the brain resulted in changes in breathing rhythms and heartbeat rhythms:-

To judge by the number of TIs reporting what has happened to them, there must be many criminal perpetraitors.  The number of TIs can only be estimated, but some indication may be drawn from a petition started in 2007, calling for a ban on electronic warfare on civilians  –

To date the petition has received over 1500 signatures, mainly from those describing themselves as TIs.  While numbers of signatures can only be indicative, there have clearly been ongoing issues since 2007.  Even one TI is one too many, but the petition numbers are probably only the tip of the iceberg.  The significant increase in 2011 and emerging figures for 2012 raise serious questions. Greater publicity for the petition might be one explanation, but I only discovered the website by chance this month, and I never saw any publicity for it. The testimonies of some of the signatories are heart-rending.

Signatures supporting a ban on electronic warfare on citizens from          2007-2012.  Source:
What kind of person would routinely torture targeted individuals on a daily basis using electronic harassment and synthetic telepathy?  From the time that I became a targeted individual, I was obliged to interact with some of these people.  They used synthetic telepathy to talk to me – for an explanation of this see, and they sounded like any normal human beings you might meet in any street or office, except that they were abusive, cruel and manipulative. People said the same thing about staff working in Nazi death camps.  They went home at the end of the day to be with their families, and neighbours had no indication of what they were involved in.
This blog looks primarily at aspects of perpetraitor psychology and technology.  But while going down that route, we must not forget that the perpetraitors’ role is to operate a range of targeting devices that deliver torture to the body of the victim, and can cause cancer, heart ailments and malfunction of physical organs.
Who are the PerpeTraitors?
For some months I was obliged to live as if in close quarters with perpetraitors 24/7.  During that time I observed their behaviour, and it seemed to me that they fell into four categories:

–  Experienced criminal operators

–  “Old lags” – disgraced law enforcement / security officers, who may have     criminal convictions

–  Younger criminals with state-of-the-art ITC skills

–  “Les Miserables” – young kids, mainly women, who may have been targeted, or exploited or who got into something they didn’t understand.

Perpetraitors can listen to your thoughts, and their equipment allows you to hear their voices – but not their thoughts. The range of technologies that may be used are described at:

One of the things they don’t tell you is that synthetic telepathy can become more of a two-way process.  Based on my experience, if they can hear your thoughts, over time you can begin to build up a picture of what is going on at the other end of the ‘phone’, both aurally and visually, using the same equipment that they use to spy on TIs.  During the initial phases of targeting, the picture I began to build up was of a large room, one wall of which was like a plasma screen.  Information about each TI was displayed in series on the screen.  There were technicians, using automated software to manage the daily caseload of criminal interventions used to target each individual. It felt like a secure data centre IT environment, with staff quietly going about their daily tasks. Perpetraitors were anonymous, hardly interacting with me, though sometimes I heard them talking to each other.  What were these people like, I wondered. I pictured several casually-dressed men in their middle to late thirties, sitting round a table, playing cards, while helping themselves to soft drinks and snacks.

Later on it seemed I was targeted by a smaller criminal outfit operating a mix of experienced and less experienced perpetraitors, usually working three shifts a day in pairs.  If the TI sleeps at night, one perpetraitor may operate alone, using programmed interventions in an attempt to manipulate TI dream states.

A number of TIs have described on the internet how they were harassed through ‘street theatre’ using standard scenarios.  In my case, the theatre was more economically produced using holographic visual software designed to work with brain communications technology, drawing on stock scenarios. The daily dramas required perpetraitors to interact directly with the TI and ad lib in line with TI responses, rather than follow electronic screen prompts. The different characters in the dramas were created using  equipment that can transmute voices into different personalities, a bit like a synthesiser, switching genders and age to suit whatever story they were telling. Perpetraitors displayed enthusiasm in preparing their daily shows.  No doubt there is a lot of boredom in their work.  I got the impression that some of them were wanabee Hollywood script writers and movie directors.  It is sad that people could fall so low, when human potential offers so much more.

Use of Satellite Technology

According to some researchers such as Dr John Hall –, satellite technology is an essential part of effective targeting of individuals. Even if TIs are a long way off – in a different country, for example, they can be located and tracked for targeting.  According to the website, ‘advanced satellite surveillance systems can be accessed by corrupt “businessmen”, including media and political figures. They can access audio-visual material as well as intercept telecommunications. The results can be used to rob, blackmail, harass or humiliate targets. Targets include competitors, researchers, writers, inventors, lobbyists, law enforcers etc’.

Another website reports that ‘Private criminals or corrupt government are tapping into and somehow gaining access to Government satellite technology using Remote Neural Monitoring and terrorizing individuals. It is claimed that this is being done illegally to individuals across the United States.

Commercial satellite technology is readily accessible around the world to those who can afford to pay for it.  ‘As to where demand is coming from, the United States is the dominant force in this sector, with a 30 percent share due to high-demand from NASA and the Department of Defence (DoD). Europe enjoys a 25 percent share, while Asia follows suit with 22 percent thanks to activity in China and Japan. Russia has a 13 percent share of the market, while the Middle East and Africa (MENA) tops 9 percent and the rest of the world follows with 5 percent’.

It occurred to me that criminals intent on satellite targeting of individuals might buy access to some of the many satellites offering commercial opportunities, if there was a high enough profit from what they were doing.   Some examples of the way that perpetraitors might profit targeting of individuals are listed in the section on ‘Money, malice and revenge as criminal motivating factors’ below.

Perpetraitor operations

Perpetraitors do not necessarily have that much real-time interaction with TIs, although the TI is meant to think that they are on the other end of the line all the time.  Often what is actually being transmitted is an interactive programme using Neurophone technology, which provides a running commentary on the TI’s thoughts and feelings.

‘The computer repeats (echoes) your  own thoughts and then the human monitors comment or respond verbally’ …’Whilst the live/human comments are individualistic and unrelated to the victim’s own thought processes, oftentimes the artificial intelligence involved will parrot standard phrases.  These are triggered by your thoughts while the human monitors remain silent or absent’.

The programme can call on automated prompts which provide negative feedback, based on the TI’s thought response. These comments may be accompanied by synthetic noises like mocking canned laughter, jeering, hissing, and conspiratorial whispering. The perpetraitors can switch to manual for real-time interventions.

It is possible for a TI to halt the operation of the running commentary in a number of ways. The programme relies on TI feedback to continue running, and if there is no TI feedback for about an hour the programme will switch off. Eliminating thought for an hour is hard to do, but there is a much easier way to throw a spanner in the works. The programme is interactive and responds to what the TI is thinking.  If you ask the system a question for which it does not have a programmed response, the system will stall.  What questions will stall the programme?  Well at the time of writing some of these might work:

  • Who are you?
  • What is your experience of…?
  • When was the last time you…?

If a targeted individual happens to have nothing better to do than provide open questions to the programme, the system will pack up eventually, owing to lack of TI thought input.

Perpetraitors like to make out that they are all-powerful and impervious to any risks.  Listening to them, I realised that they don’t necessarily know that much about the technology they use, or the potential risks to themselvesas well as to TIs whenever they tortured their victims.

Junior perpetraitors may be at risk of targeting by their criminal overseers, one of whom thought nothing of using torture weapons on one of his young female staff on one occasion.

Criminal bosses may have told perpetraitors that electronic equipment they use is perfectly safe.  But you cannot always rely on what people say about technology.  For example, some people said that TSA scanners posed no threat to the health of air passengers or equipment operators.  The EU took a different line and banned their use: and

Since then there have been reports in the US that some TSA operators are being diagnosed with fast acting cancers:

Perhaps perpetraitors are also at risk from the technology they use.

Some TIs are used as guinea pigs   

Some TIs report that they were experimented on for research purposes.  I had the impression that this happened to me too.  I am fairly sure that perpetraitors also used me as a subject during training of criminal recruits.

Altered states of consciousness leading to paranoia and psychosis appear to be the main means of gaining control over TIs, so research might be expected in this area.

Perpetraitors were trying out different approaches, focusing on psychotronics to deliver altered states of consciousness.  It felt as if they were trying to make me inhale something like chloroform or carbon monoxide. Other criminals sometimes joined the perpetraitors in what seemed like a virtual chat room, to study the effects of new approaches on me.

According to Dr Carole Smith, PhD, in ‘On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology’* asphyxia can be induced by altering frequencies in the brain that control breathing.  Perhaps other altered states of consciousness can be produced in a similar way.  I have found that going out into fresh air greatly reduces the impact of synthetically induced breathing problems.

On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology’, Journal of Psycho-Social Studies, 2003.

Money, malice and revenge as criminal motivating factors

Perpetraitors try to conceal the reason why TIs are targeted.  It was a while before I realised that at certain times, those torturing me were worried about meeting some delivery deadlines linked to incentive payments.  Perpetraitors were strongly focused on:

  • meeting  set levels of activity using various types of equipment
  • delivering a different drama every day
  • demonstrating that I was deprived of sleep for a specific number of days
  • ensuring a steady flow of interactions with the TI throughout their particular shift.

If the end of the shift was approaching, and targets had not been met, perpetraitors became tense and morose.

Why are the criminals doing it?  The short answer is that they do it to earn a living.  The objectives may vary, but I have read of reported cases where a “client” requested the criminals to deliver specific outcomes in exchange for payment.  Dr John Hall explores this in his book ‘A new breed: satellite terrorism in America’, 2009. Outcomes might include:

  • Changing a will in favour of a client
  • Beak up of a marriage
  • Constructive dismissal of a TI
  • Getting a TI to sell property  to a client at an advantage price
  • Forcing a TI to leave a particular neighborhood.

Other cases recorded on the internet suggest that criminal perpetraitors or their clients, motivated by jealousy or revenge, tried to have targeted individuals assassinated remotely, for example by a fatal stroke or heart attack, or arranged to have a member of a TI’s family hurt in some way.

I know of one particularly distressing case in which a couple visiting North America were targeted during their stay, and one of them was hospitalised with a life-threatening illness.  At the same time, it transpired that the elderly mother of one of them, living in their home country, was suddenly diagnosed with paranoia and psychosis, and sectioned.  Clinicians carried out extensive checks, as she had recently had a routine operation, but could find no cause of the change in her mental health. The attack on the helpless elderly mother was a cowardly despicable act of criminal exploitation motivated by malice.

How would perpetraitors feel if their own mothers were being treated this way?Perhaps perpetraitors are not capable of experiencing human feelings.

Revenge played a part in my becoming a targeted individual. Listening to perpetraitors talking among themselves I identified one of them – falling into the ‘old lag’ category, as having a grudge against my employer. I later learned the initial justification was the amount of overseas travel I did.


In his book ‘A new breed: satellite terrorism in America’, Dr John Hall states that perpetraitors use satellite surveillance equipment hacked into by criminals, to see what TIs are doing in their homes.  Some TIs report that perpetraitors are with them wherever they go, and comment on what they are looking at – This has been my own experience.

A number of other TIs report having similar experiences:

What technology would enable perpetraitors to look through my eyes?  It occurred to me that it might work a bit like a television. Most kinds of television work from the same basic principle as the eyes and the brain. The tiny dots of light produced on the TV screen, called pixels, flash according to a specific pattern provided by the video signal. A person’s eyes transmit this pattern to the brain, where it is interpreted as a recognizable image.

Remote Neural Monitoring is said to be used by perpetraitors to send images direct to the visual cortex of a TI, bypassing the eyes and optic nerves, to create optical illusions –  So presumably it could receive images from the visual cortex in the same way.  This would mean that perpetrators could use Remote Neural Monitoring to see what the TI was seeing.

Are there tactics that TIs can use to provide appropriate feedback to perpetraitors? There are sound frequencies that perpetraitors do not like, because of the way psychotronics works, including:

  • Rustling and crunching of cellophane, supermarket plastic bags and tissue paper.  The noise should be made loud and close to the TI’s head.  Do not be surprised if the perpetraitors temporarily turn off their communication links. Yes, they can turn the links off, and they will turn them back on a bit later.
  • A similar effect can be achieved by scratching cutlery on ceramic plates.
  • High pitched frequencies such as those played on Solfegio tones – from are also effective.

Strange as it may seem, there are repellent images that perpetraitors do not like thrown their way.  If they express interest in something revolting, call their bluff.  Create a strong visual image of what they are focused on – or something equally revolting – and send it back down the psychotronic line, visualising it falling all over them.  From what I have read, their equipment can show mind pictures on a screen, so you can provide both mental and visual feedback.



Mask images taken from:

This blog was published despite repeated attempts to interfere with my computer display drive function, and alteration of the text.  Apparently, this can be achieved using satellite technology remotely – from another country for example.

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